Archive for October 31st, 2011

BlackBerry PlayBook : Buy Two Get One Free

PlayBook Sad


RIM makes an offer to PlayBook ‘Buy Two Get One Free ‘. However, this offer does not apply in all areas of marketing. RIM announced its bid in the consumer, given the sales PlayBook in the market is fairly low. PlayBook losing to Android-based tablets and of course the Apple iPad.

Quoted from HuffingtonPost, Monday (31/10/2011), RIM launched the program in the United States and Canada, on the designated RIM shop as “Valued Added Resellers” like CDW, CompuCom or PC Mall. The Program was in effect until the end of 2011.

RIM also had reduced the price of the 16 GB model in the PlayBook, 32 GB and 64 GB because it has not been successful in the market. This defeat decisively defeated with Tablet iPad.

From the last survey held IDC, shows that the iPad is dominating the market with the percentage of 68%, followed by Android tablet (27%). PlayBook himself just grab ‘ cake ‘ by 5% in the first quarter since its release last April 2011.